2024 President’s Message

Welcome to the Web Site of the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Nam Knights of America Motorcycle Club.

Our mission is to honor the memory of American Veterans and Police Officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty, to assist Veterans and Police Officers in their time of need and to promote community awareness through sponsorship and participation in various fundraising events.

Protecting the front line of our nation, both abroad and home, is an honor that many have undertaken. Those that have served, those that are still serving, and our fellow true patriots that support us, have developed a special kinship that bonds us together. This Bond, this Brotherhood, is the backbone of the Nam Knights.

The Delaware Valley Chapter was formed in 2001.  Our membership primarily comes from the Burlington, Camden and Gloucester Townships of NJ, along with the greater Philadelphia area.  The Chapter rides throughout the year in support of various Military & Law Enforcement organizations.

If you would like more information on the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Nam Knights Motorcycle Club, please contact me at the following email address: toconnor@lincolntech.edu

Thank You for your interest in our Organization:

Tim “Diesel” O’Connor -  President
Delaware Valley Chapter
Nam Knights of America